Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer body.

The summer is here and it´s time for bikinis, dresses, shorts and so much more. But it´s also the time of year when people are most fixated with their body. You are beautiful just the way you are. All you need is to believe it.

Monday, June 8, 2015


After my mom died my life got really weird. Everyone. And I mean everyone started to ask. "Are you ok?" "Are you sure you are ok?" "Do you need help with anything just call me." And I was just OMG just leave me alone!

Why do everyone ask if you are ok when they can see that you clearly are not. And why do they need to bring it up when they can see that I'm trying to have fun? Do you want me to get sad so you can pity me? I don't want you to pity me.

My friends that I have had for a long long time now. They ask as soon that I'm sad if I'm ok. Im so tired of that. Give me a break! Please.
Now when people ask me that I just look at them and walk away. And you should to.

Need to get some sleep now.


Sunday, June 7, 2015


So this is my first post here. Weird... I never thought I would have a blog. But here I´m and it´s time you get to know me a bit better. 

My name is Diana Johansson. I´m from Sweden and I LOVE to dance. I´m 16 years old and right now my life is all about having fun with my friends. I know that school is important but we need to have fun sometimes to. Right....
Like I said before I LOVE to dance. I have been dancing since I was 4 years old. I dance jazz and ballet. And I love it! I know ballet and jazz are two different stiles but it´s so fun to mix them together. Dancing is a big part of my life and to be on stage and perform. Thats what I live for. 

It´s time to get a bit serious... When I was 10 years old my mom died in a car accident. I was at school and dad at work. A car hit her on the side and she got thrown of the rode. After she died my dad left me at my grandparents house and left. And I haven't seen him since. And now my grandma is sick and everything in my life is upside-down. 

So now you know a bit more about me. I hope I see you tomorrow for my first real post!
